They achieve quantum teleportation of information between two chips without any connection.

They achieve quantum teleportation of information between two chips without any connection.

What is striking about the experiment is that neither of these two chips was physically or electronically connected at the time of transferring the information.

The study has been published in a scientific journal and allows us to start thinking about "the quantum internet". For this type of event, the bodies do not need to be linked physically or electronically.

A new milestone in history. Scientists from the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have published research in which they claim to have sent information from one chip to another instantly thanks to quantum teleportation.

The study was launched in the journal Nature and states that it is the first time that this type of "teleportation" has been achieved between two different chips.

Science previously found that two particles can intertwine with each other and communicate over great distances. If one changes, the other will change as well, regardless of the distance. Quantum entanglement cannot be explained by classical physics, which is why experts have been studying this extraordinary capacity of particles for two decades.

The chips were specially developed by the scientists in charge with the ability to encode quantum information in the light generated within the circuits with high efficiency and without noise. Bristol University co-author Dan Llewellyn said in a statement: "We were able to demonstrate a high-quality entangled bond across two chips in the lab, where the photons in either chip share a single quantum state."

Quantum teleportation was long considered a paradox. Einstein even considered this phenomenon as "a frightening action at a distance" since it violated relativity by traveling faster than the speed of light. This experiment marks a new beginning in science.

"Quantum" chips
We all have some notion regarding particle physics, an area of ??science in which the quantum concept is explained, where the elemental components of matter are studied and how they interact with each other.

Another of the certainties that physicists have so far today is that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. However, with the process called "quantum teleportation", it would be the way to break this limit of matter.

If we travel further back in time, the German scientist Albert Einstein called this concept "spooky action at a distance", one of the implications of quantum physics that kept it lost for years.

According to the data collected by scientists, quantum teleportation can be carried out thanks to the quantum entanglement of particles, a process in which two subatomic particles manage to join each other, regardless of the distance, communicating immediately.

That is, when this process occurs, any type of information is teleported between them, regardless of the barriers of time and space. Experts emphasize that this new process achieved between the two chips has no limit in its operation, and if the ownership of one changes, the other will be doing it at the same time.

Publication Date: 2019-12-29

Source: Tekcrispy,



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