Global Hack! Who was? 

Global Hack! Who was?

Quantum Computer ?, The Russians ?, The Chinese ?, The Americans ?, False Flags ?, Here we tell you!

The global vulnerability in "all" (Ministries of Defense, world patents, vaccine code, confidential stock information, etc.) the areas highlighted by the latest events lead us to ask ourselves the big question, Who was it?

There are two ways to answer the same question, the tendency is to always try to find the most complicated explanation and rarely go for the simplest, what do I mean by this?

The creation of technological standards in its beginning, acceptance, massification and the cross extrapolation of all of them lead us to experience the benefits and harms of globalization, for a while it is useful and practical but after finishing that stage in the process of saturated expansion They put us in a rather uncomfortable situation and I explain it in the following way:

The aforementioned paradigm leads us to the creation of hierarchical professionals constituting a large mass of technological personnel where 98% of them would simply be executors with a higher or lower rank, all of them following orders and guidelines based on technological knowledge dedicated to paying homage to their jobs and clay idols (servers, technology platforms, programming languages, university degrees, positions in the companies where they work, etc.), idols that prevent them from questioning and seeing where they really are since technology is just a PERSE instrument and not the end of things.

After working on computer projects with cryptography, AI, Processes, development of platforms based on super-abstractions, multidimensional databases where the mixture of them would be the holy grail in computer technology that is very little known by most, based on to this I come to the conclusion that it is easy for many youtuber, media outlets to express their opinion blaming aliens and denigrate reality by associating it with conspiracy theories that perhaps later turn out to be true and that we verify over the years when the milk is already spilled and at that moment nobody cares.

If we look at each main component in an architecture we will see elements based on super-abstractions such as databases, operating systems, bpm, workflows, S AP-like systems, cryptographic methods, etc., these products would have unique access keys owned by the creator , however they provide a supposed layer of secure access for end users and common.

The information was always exposed and this time it was clear that they did not even bother to pretend to hide it, proof of this was the discovery of the espionage of the northern country to more than 50 countries for many decades through communications hardware installed all over the world. originating from their companies that do not want the 5g or Chinese quantum internet to succeed them.

Why use quantum computing? Super processors to access the world`s private information if that is not necessary? We have accepted the conditions without reading the fine print or better said hidden print.

Only now is the wisdom of some organizations that chose to redesign their software and hardware architecture from scratch, data is everything and it is key to understand it this way from here to the future.

The experts in infrastructure and security have been questioned by the overwhelming reality, leaving the egos and prejudices is necessary to face the new challenges that the new technological era brings us.

Who was? I must suppose that it would be a false flag !, a war of the old banking (the owners of everything) and cryptocurrencies (the aspirants)?, fight for world hegemony?

The way would be to create its own corporate standards and that each company knows how to protect its data so that in the event of being stolen it is unusable, that is, the information will always be vulnerable but if it is in a proprietary paradigm, it will be of no use to the intruder, unless the betrayal comes from within, a scenario in which we must protect ourselves from ourselves, the atmosphere of apparent trust has been irretrievably broken.

Publication Date: 2021-01-05




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