Porter-La China - Porter!

La China - Porter

`La China` narrates the arrival of the Aztecs to Tenochtitlan. For a long time the band was compared to the American group MGMT for their way of being on stage and their experimental music. The sound of the band is a mixture of sounds and electronic and acoustic rhythms, guitars.

Porter is a Mexican rock band that formed in Guadalajara, Jalisco, in 2004, and which temporarily separated in October 2008. Made up of: Fernando de la Huerta (Guitar), Diego Bacter Rangel (Bass, Programming and Synthesizers), David Velasco (Voice) and Víctor Valverde (Guitar and Keyboard


[Letra de "La China"]

[Verso 1]
Dicen que se fue a buscar en el Ombligo de la Luna
Que trece veces veinte iba a durar
Que cuando vean el ave en el nopal
Que griten todos, "¡Ya llegamos a la tierra de Aztlán!"
Que griten todos, "¡Ya llegamos a la tierra de Aztlán!"

[Verso 2]
Solo esperan verse en el lugar
Abrazar el sueño y regresar

Mexhi, mexhi, mexhi, mexhicana
Mexhi, mexhi, mexhi, mexhicana

[Verso 3]
Me enseñó a esperar
Desprendernos de noche

Mexhi, mexhi, mexhi, mexhicana
Mexhi, mexhi, mexhi, mexhicana

Y cada noche, volando estará
Hablar contigo sin emitir palabra
Sin emitir palabra
Sin emitir palabra


[Lyrics from "La China"]

[Verse 1]
They say he went to look at the Navel of the Moon
That thirteen times twenty would last
That when they see the bird in the nopal
Let everyone shout, "We have reached the land of Aztlán!"
Let everyone shout, "We have reached the land of Aztlán!"

[Verse 2]
They only hope to see each other in the place
Embrace the dream and come back

Mexhi, mexhi, mexhi, mexhicana
Mexhi, mexhi, mexhi, mexhicana

[Verse 3]
Taught me to wait
Detach at night

Mexhi, mexhi, mexhi, mexhicana
Mexhi, mexhi, mexhi, mexhicana

And every night, flying will be
Talk to you without saying a word
Without saying a word
Without saying a word

Publication Date: 2020-10-13




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